Lilly, in detention, mad at Astrid for caring more about Sparrow than her.

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Astrid & Lilly Save the World
Astrid & Lilly Save the World Season 1 Episode 8: "Hair"
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Astrid & Lilly Save the World Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

Sparrow: Okay. Okay -- so this is where you've been going this whole time. Oh my God, I'm dating Buffy holy shit. This is rad. No, but you should have told me about this before we're about to die! Like: "hey! Sparrow! Monsters are real!"
Astrid: I'm not going to let you die!

Tate: Candace and Lilly are frickin' dating.
Candace: I wouldn't really call it dating.
Astrid: Wait a second, Candace? Wait a second! Tate! Did you just out them? On what planet do you think that that's okay? That's beyond unacceptable you idiot.