After a mysterious shooting leaves one of their own injured, Bill and the team go out on a mission to find the shooter. Charlie attempts to get answers about what happened during the shooting, leading Joseph to a revelation. Meanwhile, when Undersheriff London tries to take control of the department, Bill reminds him who is in charge.

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Deputy Season 1 Episode 3: "Deputy Down"
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Deputy Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Vengeance is normal. Somebody hurts a member of your family, you can't help but want revenge. Nobody is a bigger part of this family than Deputy Gabriel Luna. That makes us all angry, doesn't it? We took an oath to channel that emotion, to control it even when it's damned near impossible. We took an oath to put our lives on the line for millions of people that we don't even know. That's the job. That's how Luna does his. With honor and decency. So the best thing that we can do right now is follow in his footsteps until he gets back to his family again. Thank you.


Brianna: Well, at least he's delegating.
Jerry: You're the gatekeeper, Bishop. Be careful that gate doesn't come unhinged.