Lady Alex ponders her next move in the search for Alexander the Great.

Photo Credit:
Joe Alblas/Courtesy Sky Productions.
Hooten and The Lady
Hooten and The Lady Season 1 Episode 3: "Egypt"
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Hooten and The Lady Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Hooten: Alex?
Lady Alex: I know you're bored. I'm busy trying to get clearance to excavate the site.
Hooten: No need. I skipped that stage.
Lady Alex: What? Why can I hear gunfire?
Hooten: Because I'm being shot at.
Lady Alex: I said stay in the hotel. What have you done?
Hooten: Funny story: you know that shrine entrance you said was here? It isn't where you frigging said it was. Never mind: I never doubted you for a second.

We've been tracking the Brotherhood for years. They are fanatics who believe the body of Alexander will help incite our nation into war.

Melina [to Hooten]