Vasiliy and Dutch join Captain Kowalski and his team in eliminating strigoi from a nearby apartment building.

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The Strain
The Strain Season 2 Episode 5: "Quick and Painless"
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The Strain Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes

Nora: Excuse me, I'm doctor Nora Martinez. I'm a biochemist with the CDC.
Feraldo: And?
Nora: You don't need to quarantine people for three days. I have a way of diagnosing people who are infected within one to two hours.
Feraldo: Yeah? How's that?
Nora: I'll show you, but first you have to do something for me.

Dale: Ephraim Goodweather from the news. So how's the fugitive life going?
Eph: Don't believe everything you see on TV.
Dale: I said I saw it. I never said I gave a shit. Okay, government ID will get you out of the city, but seeing as you're having your 15 minutes of fame you might want to change your appearance.