Judd (Jim Parrack) has the final word or some advice to give to Owen or others on "The New Hot Mess."

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9-1-1: Lone Star
9-1-1: Lone Star Season 4 Episode 2: "The New Hot Mess"
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9-1-1: Lone Star Season 4 Episode 2 Quotes

Grace: Something compelled you to give him your phone number.
Tommy: It wasn't the Holy Spirit.

Rose: Capt, these men you've been associating with, the Honor Dogs, what do you know about them?
Owen: See, I think the phrase "associating with" is misleading. I've ridden with these guys a couple of times. As far as I can tell, they're motorcycle enthusiasts who like to brand each other from time to time, so I don't know much.
Rose: The Honor Dogs are a group of fringe separatists whose stated goal is the return of the state of Texas to its founding fathers.
Owen: The Mexicans?
Rose: They skipped right to the Alamo part.
Owen: But they know how it ended right?