Johnny demonstrates the Crane Kick when he and Daniel join forces to teach their newly combined dojos techniques.

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Cobra Kai
Cobra Kai Season 4 Episode 3: "Then Learn Fly", Cobra Kai Season 4 Episode 4: "Bicephaly"
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Cobra Kai Season 4 Episode 3 Quotes

Sam: I'm a teenager who's made a couple of mistakes. You're a 50 something-year-old man who lives alone, drinks all day, and clearly hasn't figured out his own life.
Johnny: I figured out one thing for sure. If I did everything my parents wanted me to do, I'd be wearing a suit and tie and waiting out some worthless job while I wait out the clock. I didn't want that. And now I get to do what I love every damn day. I get to help kids like you find their own way. If you want to sit in the backseat your whole life, go right ahead. It's no sweat off my back

Terry: Why couldn't you let sleeping dogs lie? There are hundreds of other senseis in the valley who can help you win your little war.
Kreese: There is no one in the world I trust more than you.
Terry: This isn't my fight. Not anymore.
Kreese: If you believed that, you wouldn't be standing here. You miss this don't ya?
Terry: I don't miss a goddamn thing.
Kreese: Bullshit. I can see it in your eyes. You've gotten this far, Terry, what's stopping you now? Afraid you're a little rusty?