Joe and Victory sit down to have a serious talk after their engagement party did not go so well over with Victory's parents.

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Lipstick Jungle
Lipstick Jungle Season 2 Episode 13: "La Vie En Pose"
Victory Ford, Joe Bennett
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Lipstick Jungle Photos, Lipstick Jungle Season 2 Episode 13 Photos, Victory Ford Photos, Joe Bennett Photos
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Lipstick Jungle Season 2 Episode 13 Quotes

Wendy [about Maddie]: Remind me why I was so eager to hear her first words
Shane: Oh the good times will come around again darling. Soon she'll be 16 and she'll stop talking to us all together

Griffin: Look at you already back to work
Nico: Well, the holidays are over
Griffin: Mmm, they don't have to be

Lipstick Jungle Season 2 Episode 13 Music

  Song Artist
The Glitter Jessie Baylin iTunes
Song Feel It Coming Sara Bareilles