Detective Jared Vasquez (J.R. Ramirez) proposed to his girlfriend Michaela before she left for a family vacation to Jamaica. Five years later, he's married to her (former) best friend. They still have to work together, and things are going to get messy. Feelings don't just disappear. It's not a question of if sparks will fly again, but when.

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Manifest Season 1 Episode 1: "Pilot"
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Manifest Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Michaela: I am still the same screw-up you said goodbye to in Jamaica.
Grace: The universe just gave all of us a giant do-over. Everything that happened before goes out the window.

Ben: Why are you fighting this when all it's gonna do is make you happy? That's all we want for you.
Michaela: That was really sweet of you. You must be drunk.