This is a photo from the third epsiode of Black Sails Season 4.

Photo Credit:
Black Sails
Black Sails Season 4 Episode 3: "XXXI"
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Black Sails Season 4 Episode 3 Quotes

The Empire survives in part because we believe its survival to be inevitable. It isn’t. And they know that. That’s why they’re so terrified of you and I. If we are able to take Nassau, if we are able to expose the illusion that England is not inevitable. If we are able to incite a revolt that spreads across the New World...then yeah, I imagine people are going to notice.


Berringer: When the dread moment arrives, your true nature will assert itself. The confusion will lift and all will appear as it should be.
Rogers: You’ve given me good men to lead. I’ll do my best by them.
Berringer: There isn’t a good man among them. Not anymore...right now, good men is not what the moment requires. Right now, the time calls for dark men to do dark things. Do not be afraid to lead them to it.