Jace is heartbroken over Clary's death. He needs to distract himself from the thoughts tormenting his mind.

Photo Credit:
Dominic Sherwood
Shadowhunters Season 3 Episode 11: "Lost Souls"
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Shadowhunters Season 3 Episode 11 Quotes

Magnus: [Recoils from touching eye] Ah! I don’t know how people do this every day?! It’s taken me an eternity to make myself half-way presentable.
Alec: I don’t know why you think you need it. You’re beautiful the way you are.
[Magnus kisses him and gets up]
Magnus: Thank you, but it’s not about beauty. A tiger has stripes. I have eyeliner.

Isabelle: The stalker vampire Heidi ... she made Simon feed on Becky in front of their mom.
Maia: Oh my God.
Isabelle: Luckily, Becky is okay, but his mom couldn’t handle it. He had to encanto her to make her believe that he was dead. Simon had to say goodbye to his mom forever.
Maia: I had no idea.
Isabelle: How could you? You weren’t here.
Maia: Me leaving had nothing to do with Simon. I just needed to be alone. Have you ever felt like that? You just needed to get away from it all?
Isabelle: I have. I guess when times get tough; some people need to be alone. And others need to be around other people. I’m more like that, and I think Simon is too.