Janine is thrown when Maurice calls her selfish on Abbott Elementary. "Franklin Institute" is the 22nd episode of the show's second season.

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Abbott Elementary
Abbott Elementary Season 2 Episode 22: "Franklin Institute"
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Abbott Elementary Season 2 Episode 22 Quotes

Janine: I really wanted to apologize for how things went down at Bone Town.
Maurice: You ever notice how people say they want to apologize instead of just apologizing? It’s wild.
Janine: Well, I’m sorry.
Maurice: It’s all good. Gregory told me not to pursue you, and I did anyway. So, I guess we’re both in our selfish eras.

Janine: I’m happy Ava paired us up as group buddies.
Gregory: Now, don’t ever leave us behind. I need you to have my back in case someone casts an ancient spell and all of the exhibits come to life. I’m counting on those tiny fists for very precise blows.
Janine: Wait, so you did watch Night at the Museum?
Gregory: Yeah, I take all of your recommendations seriously. I want to know why you like stuff.