Callie is introduced to Donald's new girlfriend and her son, Caleb. She's happy that Donald has finally forgiven himself for what happened to Callie's mom, and he's happy.

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The Fosters
The Fosters Season 5 Episode 16: "Giving Up the Ghost"
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The Fosters Photos, The Fosters Season 5 Episode 16 Photos
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The Fosters Season 5 Episode 16 Quotes

Jude: So where's your dad?
Natalie: Um, Caleb's father and I divorced when he was very little.
Caleb: He's not really into being a dad.
Jude: Yeah, yeah, it sucks when that happens.

Lena: What are your reading?
Stef: The news. Everything is so bleak. It's like the world is ending.