On The Offer Season 1 Episode 4, with Marlon Brando and Al Pacino in contention for leading roles, Ruddy is caught in the line of fire between Evans and Coppola and must pick a side. After gaining Joe Colombo’s support, Ruddy gets an uncomfortable glimpse of his new friend’s loyalty.

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The Offer
The Offer Season 1 Episode 4: "The Right Shade of Yellow"
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The Offer Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Al: Marlon Brando is interested.
Bob: Brando?
Al: Yeah. Now I got your attention.
Bob: Yeah, for all the wrong reasons. Brando's a fuckin' nightmare, box-office poison, just a very difficult human being. Look, do you want my advice?
Al: Always.
Bob: Don't waste your time. There's plenty of other good actors out there. just move on to someone realistic. And use Andrea. She knows what she's doing, man.

Al: What a great part. Sorry, we had to leave early.
Bob: Well, to be honest, I'm surprised you made it at all, what with literally zero cast and more budget concerns. [interruption] Look, producer's tip 101. If your movie's on shaky ground, do not bring that vibe to another man's premiere. Just, no.