Max has been learning ASl to better communicate with Elizabeth and continues to improve with practice.

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New Amsterdam
New Amsterdam Season 5 Episode 10: "Don't Do This for Me"
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New Amsterdam Season 5 Episode 10 Quotes

Wilder: I'm not a teacher. I'm a surgeon.
Bev: No, you're a deaf surgeon. The first one.
Wilder: Sounds like a good reason for me not to quit.
Bev: That is the reason. You are living proof that nothing is out of reach for our community. When I say that to young doctors, it's a line. But when you say it, it's the truth.
Wilder: There are many deaf doctors who have achieved what I have, including you.
Bev: Lizzie, when I die, there'll be a funeral and a blurb in the Times, but when you die, they're gonna put up a statue. Please stop acting like you're not a hero. Come home.
Wilder: No.

Please don't do this for me. It won't work.
