Lauren has a youn girl who comes through the ED who has been stabbed by a dagger of some kind on the finale.

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New Amsterdam
New Amsterdam Season 3 Episode 14: "Death Begins In Radiology"
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New Amsterdam Season 3 Episode 14 Quotes

Hey, it's, uh, me. I miss you. I can't keep you out of my head. It's very distracting. Um, we said things to each other that were just the beginning, and uh, we never quite, um, anyway. Now you're going, and it feels like its been forever, and I really need, I need to see you. I need to talk to you. I need to be with you in all the ways that I've been dreaming of.


Floyd: I guess I just assumed you took it off on purpose.
Max: No. I don't know. It still means something, I guess. I mean it's everything we had, you know? I, God, it can't be gone.
Floyd: You know, I felt exactly the same way about Evie's ring, after we, you know.
Max: So what changed?
Floyd: Well, I realized I wasn't hanging on to Evie's ring because she still had a big piece of my heart. I was hanging on to it because she didn't. And the ring wasn't about our love anymore. I was about my guilt.