On Quantum Leap Season 1 Episode 12, Ian (Mason Alexander Park) fact checks on his own time.

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Quantum Leap
Quantum Leap Season 1 Episode 12: "Let Them Play"
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Quantum Leap Season 1 Episode 12 Quotes

Addison: Ian, Gia only played because Ben put her in right now. As soon as she was on the court, Ziggy started updating.
Ian: I’ve been bested by my own technology.

Janay: It is a little weird though, isn’t it? Coach waits this long to put his own kid in the game?
Shruti: She’s an alternate. That’s how alternates work.
Janay: She’s been on the team all season.
Shruti: You never had an issue before.
Janay: And I don’t have an issue now. Just sayin’ it’s a little weird.
Amanda: Well, I have an issue. I don’t think it’s fair.
Janay: Why? Cause she’s trans or because she took your shot?
Amanda: I don’t know. Both.
Shruti: Way to be a team player.