Quinlan tells Setrakian he's been hunting the Master his entire life. What is their connection and what will happen when the two come face to face? You've got to tune in Sunday to find out.

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The Strain
The Strain Season 2 Episode 7: "The Born"
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The Strain Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

Quinlan: The Ancients gave me your name, professor Setrakian. I followed you here.
Setrakian: But who are you?
Quinlan: My name is Quinlan. And you and I have something very much in common.
Setrakian: What's that?
Quinlan: We are both hunting the Master.
Setrakian: You know the Ancients?
Fet: Who or what are the Ancients? What the hell is this guy?

Senator Sertorius: You bleed white yet you tolerate exposure to the sun. You are the half-breed. Birthed of human flesh and demon blood. Possessed of Godlike strength and agility. Why do you not escape?
Quinlan: I'm a student of human instinct and behavior. I find I learn best as their instrument.