Is National City honoring their hero? It sure looks like it by the giant banner and Lena at the podium doing the honors. Of course, we are pretty sure this ceremony will not be going off without a hitch.

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The CW
Supergirl Season 3 Episode 1: "Girl of Steel "
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Supergirl Season 3 Episode 1 Quotes

Winn: I thought it was bad when she skipped pizza night, but skipping free apps? I mean, come on. These are like the beginning of the dark days.
J'onn: Hey, come on, grief doesn't have a deadline.
Winn: Look, I know, but I mean, she goes from being little miss sunshine to, well, Alex basically.
Alex: What? I'm not like that.
J'onn: Oh come on Alex, your unrelenting seriousness is one of your best qualities.

Reporter: Does President Marsden believe climate change is real?
Cat: Yes, Carl, as a matter of fact she does. She also believes that two plus two equals four, and that the Earth is round, because the President is not a moron.