Maggie looks like she's about to burst as she's heavily pregnant after a time jump on the final season.

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A Million Little Things
A Million Little Things Season 5 Episode 1: "The Last Dance"
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A Million Little Things Photos, A Million Little Things Season 5 Episode 1 Photos
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A Million Little Things Season 5 Episode 1 Quotes

Danny: Gene, thank you for your service.
Gene: I didn't fight in the war.
Danny: That's not what I mean. I'm in high school, and I'm gay, and I'm out, and you absolutely fought for me, so thank you.

Gary: Hey, pop.
Javier: Yeah?
Gary: Thanks for being here with me. I know it's not easy to pretend that all of this is normal.
Javier: However you want to do this, that's how we're going to do it, okay, mijo? I got you.