Teetering on the edge of war and peace, the gods gather to mourn a loss on American Gods Season 3 Episode 10. Bilquis' divine journey brings her to an unexpected revelation, while Shadow finally embraces a destiny that could bring him either greatness or death

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American Gods
American Gods Season 3 Episode 10: "Tears of the Wrath-Bearing Tree"
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American Gods Season 3 Episode 10 Quotes

Mr. Ibis: Faithful to the last, they always stay close to their master.
Shadow: They're with me now.

Help is what Shadow needs to steer him in the right direction. He's a special one, alright. Trouble is, he knows it now. But that ain't your never mind. What you need to do is find the other, his soul mate. Convince him he ain't no solo act. Yes, indeed. That tall order falls to you.
