Harris faces some consequences after attending a protest on The Conners. "Protest, Drug Test and One Leaves the Nest" is the fifth episode of the show's third season.

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The Conners
The Conners Season 3 Episode 6: "Protest, Drug Test and One Leaves the Nest"
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The Conners Season 3 Episode 6 Quotes

Harris: Look at that wall of moms out there protecting their kids at the front of the protest line. I mean, they’re out there taking beanbag rounds to the face and you won’t even get up to get me a soda.
Darlene: That’s because their kids are out there protesting not leading the Occupy the Couch and Bitch movement.

Becky [to Beverly Rose]: Look, honey, it’s the horrible woman that docks my pay when I see you.
Robin: Hi Cutie. Make better choices than Mommy.