On Quantum Leap Season 2 Episode 8, Hannah (Eliza Taylor) and Addison (Caitlin Bassett) share one particular thing in common.

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Quantum Leap
Quantum Leap Season 2 Episode 8: "Nomad"
Addison Augustine
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Quantum Leap Photos, Quantum Leap Season 2 Episode 8 Photos, Addison Augustine Photos
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Quantum Leap Season 2 Episode 8 Quotes

Jenn: What are you two whispering about?
Ian: You
Addison: [at the same time] Magic.
Jenn: [beat] Deception noted.

Barnes: This is your first field operation, right?
Ben: Yes. It is.
Barnes: Well, the good news is you’ve never been to Cairo so the Stasi don’t know you. Bad news is if this is a trap, they’ll torture you and bury you in the desert with the rest of the pharaohs. Relax, kid. I’m just teasing. It doesn’t happen. Often.