On Fantasy Island Season 2 Episode 7, Dan (Reggie Austin), Riley (Saleh Austria), Trevor (Cree Kawa), and Amber (Melinda Clarke) smile for the camera

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Fantasy Island
Fantasy Island Season 2 Episode 7: "#Happy"
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Fantasy Island Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

All I did was everything she asked. I kept our relationship a secret when she wanted to keep it a secret. I learned salsa because she likes to dance. Threw her a prom. Ruby, I made her a chair out of rattan. Do you have any idea how long it takes to make a chair out of rattan?


Isaiah: My dad, he died of an aneurysm when I was ten. I’ve always believed that I’ll die young too.
Ruby: Quite the Sword of Damocles hanging over your head.
Isaiah: Yeah, I’ve just come to accept it. No long-term plans or commitments.