This is a still of The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 23.

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The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 23: "Family"
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The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 23 Quotes

Mercer: You all right?
Princess: I'm fine. How's Eugene?
Mercer: Safe, for now. Where are you?
Princess: On a train, headed back to you.
Mercer: A train?
Princess: We're bringing people... Prisoners that Hornsby and Pamela disappeared. What are you planning to do?
Mercer: Change things, take Pamela down. Think you'd be okay with that?
Princess: Yeah.
Mercer: If you can get those prisoners back to me, they're witnesses. I'd have legal grounds to remove Pamela.
Princess: The train takes us to a depot a ways out. If we can make our way to the city, can you get us in?
Mercer: Old access tunnel under the west wall. Leads up into Union Station. Industrial building, basement entrance, guarded, but I can meet you there.

Vickers: Governor, come in.
Pamela: Anything yet?
Vickers: No, ma'am. Saw his sister, then reported to the wall. He just pulled additional backup to deal with the horde. Nothing unusual.
Pamela: Where did he take them from?
Vickers: Sector 7... Processing... And Tunnel H. Did you want me to recall any of those troops?
Pamela: No, I'm sure Mercer has his reasons.