Rumple and Belle face a difficult task. They need to convince Emma to help Gideon with his plan. Will Rumple finally explain what's so terrible about the Black Fairy?

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Once Upon a Time
Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 16: "Mother's Little Helper"
Rumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold, Belle French
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Once Upon a Time Photos, Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 16 Photos, Rumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold Photos, Belle French Photos
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Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 16 Quotes

Rumple: If you want answers, I suggest you start by asking nicely.
Emma: I'm done with nice. Your son has a death wish. Which, if he messes with me one more time, I'm happy to fulfill.
Snow: And I'm happy to help. We've been looking for some mother-daughter bonding.

Regina: I've cleaned up almost all my evil half's messes. Town line protection spell? Check. I freed that dragon from the mirror world. Check. Got Dr. Dolittle out of that cage.
Henry: [looks confused]
Regina: Don't ask.
Henry: [nods]
Regina: I undid everything Except for the big one.