Greer is a bold, hilarious woman who isn’t afraid to speak her mind. <P><P>She was born and raised in Houston, Texas, but took a risk and moved to New York City, where she loves living life to the fullest. <P><P>Greer is loyal and confident and is looking for a partner who can keep up with her quick wit and big personality. <P><P>She is a hopeless romantic and is a sucker for forehead kisses. <P><P>Zach, take notes! Will Greer and Zach have the love story of a lifetime?

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The Bachelor
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The Bachelor Quotes

I would definitely prefer not to be the first Bachelor rejected at the end of all of this.


This is not another season of The Bachelorette. Or Paradise. This is actually The Bachelor. I know, I’m as surprised as you are.
