The door for the understudies is over there, Kat tells Casey. (Or so I imagine.)

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The Exorcist
The Exorcist Season 1 Episode 3: "Chapter Three: Let 'Em In"
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The Exorcist Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

I think that if you believe in God, maybe we have to accept that he has an adversary.

Father Tomas

Father Marcus: Who gave this to you, Casey?
Casey: A salesman.
Father Marcus: See, that doesn't make a lot of sense to me. A compact, for a tomboy.
Man: You are a beautiful girl.
Casey: I was beautiful.
Father Marcus: Not beautiful like your sister, so he must have lied to you to make you feel special. Did it work? Did it it make you feel special, this compact?
Casey: He doesn't lie!
Father Marcus: The man who gave you this, is he in this room with us right now?