Angelus and Buffy fulfilled the goals of the poltergeists. The ghosts moved on with the seal of a kiss.

Photo Credit:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Sarah Michelle Gellar, David Boreanaz
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 2 Episode 19: "I Only Have Eyes for You"
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 2 Episode 19 Quotes

Giles: To forgive is an act of compassion, Buffy. It's-it''s not done because people deserve it. It's done because they need it.
Buffy: No. James destroyed the one person he loved the most in a moment of blind passion. And that's not something you forgive. No matter why he did what he did. And no matter if he knows now that it was wrong and selfish and stupid, it is just something he's gonna have to live with.
Xander: He can't live with it, Buff. He's dead.
[Buffy leaves]
Cordelia: Okay. Over identify much?

Willow: You’re thinking too much. Maybe you need to be impulsive?
Buffy: Impulsive? Do you remember my ex-boyfriend, the vampire? I slept with him, he lost his soul, now my boyfriend's gone forever and the demon that wears his face is killing my friends. The next impulsive decision I make will involve my choice of dentures.
Willow: Okay, the Angel thing went badly. I'm on board with that, but that's not your fault. And anyways, love isn't always like that. Love can be...nice.