Billions Season 7 Episode 9 -- Game Theory Optimal.

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Billions Season 7 Episode 9: "Game Theory Optimal"
Mike Prince
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Billions Season 7 Episode 9 Quotes

Chuck: The practice of making sure that a guilty man goes down whether the evidence exists or needs to be helped along when no doubt exists in the minds of the arresting officers, their peers. e.t.c.
Commissioner: Used to happen sometimes. Still does, I'm sure. Guy would stick a bag of dope in a wife beater's car, that kind of thing.
Chuck: Because he knew the world would be better with him gone.
Commissioner: Yeah, but it never works the way the cop thinks it will, flaking the guy. Not really. Somewhere between the idea and the execution, things go wrong. You must have the evidence of guilt of the actual crime, not the crime you think they might commit. You must be sure they committed the one you're arresting him for…
Chuck: … or else ...
Comissioner: Anaheim curriculum.
Chuck: Oh. You remember some of the Latin the nuns gave you. But if I wanted to ensure my soul would never be in peril, I'd have become, I don't know, a veterinarian.
Commissioner: But still, this is different. What it does to a person's insides to frame someone. And that's still not why it's my do not recommended list. The problem is the system collapses under its own weight. Not right away. Soon enough. Those lines on the road to justice exist to serve everyone. They should not be trapped so.
Chuck: What if the guy isn't only guilty but a continuing enormous danger to society? To the world?
Commissioner: So it is some kind of permission you want? You're after my guidance? I can't grant it. I won't. Bad for you, bad for the whole deal. You want absolution in advance? Take it up with a commissioner of a different department.

Chuck: I have come to understand what it will take to make it possible for us to work together on this endeavor, and I have gone to those lengths. This drive cannot be copied. It contains a catalog of moves I have made. Extra legal and plain illegal that would flush me from office and public life irrevocably. Would get me disbarred and jailed if it were to come out.
Wags: OK. And that proves what?
Chuck: I have always been highly skilled at earning people's trust through means legit and illegit
Wendy: And betraying each other.
Chuck: Yes, that too. It's. So I realized that now I need to give trust. Wendy, I know if I hand you this material, you will never use it against me, even if I deserve it for the sake of our children.
Wendy: Sadly true.
Chuck: But. Wags will not hesitate to ruin me, as he just made painfully clear in my office.