Frank thinks about what the truth is after he and Jamie clash about the public perception of cops on Blue Bloods Season 10 Episode 7.

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Blue Bloods
Blue Bloods Season 10 Episode 7: "Higher Standards"
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Blue Bloods Season 10 Episode 7 Quotes

Anyone who throws water on police officers, who throw objects at police officers, who impede police officers while they are doing the job are breaking the law. Anyone caught doing this will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I want to be crystal clear about this. I will never ask my officers to tolerate abuse.


Jack: So how's life as an empty nester?
Erin: Oh, I miss Nicky so much.
Jack: Remember the first time she left us?
Erin: Dance camp. But you didn't call me here to go down memory lane, did you?