Jughead is tasked with writing four new tales for Pep Comics on Riverdale. "Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Two: Tales in a Jugular Vein" is the fifth episode of the show's seventh season.

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The CW
Riverdale Season 7 Episode 5: "Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Two: Tales in a Jugular Vein"
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Riverdale Season 7 Episode 5 Quotes

Julian: You gotta get your head in the game.
Dilton: How do I do that?
Julian: Maybe a night stuffed in a locker will help you figure it out?

Nana Blossom: She has this compulsive craving for intimate, physical, and some might even say, inappropriate touching.
Archie: Really?
Nana Blossom: Oh yes. She’s ravenous for it! She can’t keep her hands to herself.