It's the first snow day and it prompts Lorelai and Max to have their first date.

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Gilmore Girls
Gilmore Girls Season 1 Episode 8: "Love and War and Snow"
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Gilmore Girls Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

(Lorelai's message machine)
Max: Lorelai, it's Max. Medina, Max Medina. And once again we miss each other. It's now 2:00 in the afternoon on Thursday, and I'm in my office grading a paper entitled: Emily Dickinson, Get a Life. Anyhow, as I sit here, losing my faith in mankind, I wonder if we're ever gonna actually go on that date we talked about many moons ago. I teach a night class in Stamford twice a week, and when I pass that Stars Hollow sign on the turnpike, I think: "Out there is a beautiful woman that I someday hope to spend time with." Anyhow, I'm just thinking about you. I don't know, maybe next week we can find some time. Bye, Lorelai...Gilmore. You knew that. Okay, bye.

Rory: You know what? It's really good if you add some extra parmesan. This is mom's special trick. Frozen pizza is a staple at our house. Mom has become a major doctoring genius. She'll put anything on it. One time, Sookie came and brought us some foie gras and mom stuck it on a pizza.
Emily: How was it?
Rory: Pretty good once we took the foie gras off.