Choi and Dean are the first to respond to the scene of a disaster on Chicago Med Season 6 Episode 12.

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Chicago Med
Chicago Med Season 6 Episode 12: "Some Things Are Worth The Risk"
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Chicago Med Season 6 Episode 12 Quotes

Nat: You know this guy?
Will: Yeah. One of my trial patients.

Anna: I get that I'm grounded, but why do I have to come to work with you?
Charles: Because we need to talk.
Anna: I thought we talked plenty last night.
Charles: This is the third time I caught you sneaking out of the house. The third time I found your bed stuffed with clothes.
Anna: You never let me do anything! I'm like a prisoner!
Charles: I would like to be able to let you do more things, but that requires a certain level of trust. Pro-tip: If you want to be trusted, don't sneak out of the house in the middle of the night.