Sophie and James share their first kiss after a whirlwind night together on Surface Season 1 Episode 7.

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Apple TV+
Surface Season 1 Episode 6: "The Myth of California"
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Surface Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Sophie: Look, some people are born into this life, right? Family money. Luck of the draw. Your friends, your co-workers, none of them worked as hard as you did to get here. They didn't need to, did they?
James: No, no.
Sophie: Do they deserve it any more than you? Or me?

Sophie: This place seemed like a fresh start. Like I could be anyone I wanted. I mean, that's the myth of California, isn't it? You are who you say you are. And if it doesn't work out here, then on to somewhere new.
James: So, who do you say you are?
Sophie: I haven't decided yet.
James: You know I got this weird feeling that, you could be anyone you wanted.