Fiona helps Madeline when a bookie goes after her for an unpaid debt on Burn Notice. "Down Range" is the third episode of the show's seventh season.

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Burn Notice
Burn Notice Season 7 Episode 3: "Down Range"
Fiona Glenanne, Madeline Westen
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Burn Notice Photos, Burn Notice Season 7 Episode 3 Photos, Fiona Glenanne Photos, Madeline Westen Photos
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Burn Notice Season 7 Episode 3 Quotes

Burke: The first guy I talked to about this job had a plan taking out the guard's front gate and pulling the truck out bloody. Is that pretty much what you're thinking?
Jesse: Any idiot can throw a rock at a wasp's nest. We're finesse guys. We'll get you truck make a much smaller mess.

Jesse: Look Sam, you know I want to help Mike out, but I got clients to answer to. I can't just go running off to the DR on a random Thursday.
Sam: Tell me about it. I was supposed to go have some extra special Sammy time with Elsa this weekend but that ain't happening