Feel the wind of the Earth, Crystal, while you still can. Because it's almost time to go back to Attilan!

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Marvel's Inhumans
Marvel's Inhumans Season 1 Episode 6: "The Gentleman's Name Is Gorgon"
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Marvel's Inhumans Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Karnak: Dear, dear Mordis, it's been a long time.
Mordis: The all-powerful Karnak! Hiding, are we? I've heard that you like to tell your enemies all the different ways you can defeat them. So let me give you the chance to do so right now. Please, show me your genius!
Karnak: Do you remember the first day you came out of Terrigenesis? So scared, so alone. How many did you harm that day? How horrible you must have felt.
Mordis: I didn't ask for this gift!
Karnak: That's exactly what I told the genetic council! But they didn't care, they wanted to put you down. How I pleaded for your life!
Mordis: Black Bolt was just as dangerous! But he was given far more opportunities than I was. It was me who got locked up in that cell!
Karnak: But that is what kept you alive...
Mordis: No! Being locked away is not being alive.
Karnak: Yeah you are right, mistakes were made. But that was then. Maybe from this moment forward, things can be different.

Medusa: Why did I bring my parents up? I brought them up because when you became king, you said you never wanted to be like your own parents or like any other king before you. I'm reminding you that you promised me that you'd be more understanding!
Black Bolt: [signs]
Medusa: Yes he hurt me and there was a part of me that wants him to pay for that, but we have to be bigger than that. So does that answer your question? No, no we don't let him just walk away. We give him a fair trial, we let the people decide!