The Fall of the House of Usher Season 1 Episode 6.

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The Fall of the House of Usher
The Fall of the House of Usher Season 1 Episode 6: "Goldbug"
Arthur Pym
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The Fall of the House of Usher Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

And this thing, this Goldbug, it's different than anything else that my family has ever done, and it is more important now than ever that the world sees that we… That we're more than just Fortunato. We're not just pill pushers. We can be about health and about beauty. And the Usher name is more than just Roderick and Madeline. And I'm scared, Bill.


Arthur: These were taken in 2011.
Roderick: So she's a stalker. She stalks important people. Oh, wait. This is from the '80s.
Arthur: Gettys. That's Prescott Bush, 1944. Randolph Hearst. Rockefellers.
Doherty. Vanderbilts. And this one. That's John Francis Queeny. He founded Monsanto. In 1901.
Roderick: Bullshit. This is bullshit.
Madeline: Roderick.
Roderick: It's Photoshop. She sprinkled bogus images of herself online.