Someone has happened upon Oliver in the dark and they're trying to take him out! Waddya wanna bet it's Ra's? In this installment, Oliver is going to wonder if he's strong enough to take on the position as head of the League and what it will do to Team Arrow. He's strong enough. Not sure about the team, though.

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The CW
Arrow Season 3 Episode 23: "My Name is Oliver Queen"
Oliver Queen/Arrow
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Arrow Photos, Arrow Season 3 Episode 23 Photos, Oliver Queen/Arrow Photos
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Arrow Season 3 Episode 23 Quotes

There is no greater birth than the one you are about to take on, the annihilation of one's home.

Ra's al Ghul

Felicity: Barry!
The Flash: Thank you, Felicity, you just outed my secret identity to a super villain. No offense.
Malcolm: None taken.