Jason Bull believes with every fiber of his being that Elliott Miles is innocent on Bull. "Reckless" is the 21st episode of the show's second season.

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Bull Season 2 Episode 21: "Reckless"
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Bull Season 2 Episode 21 Quotes

Benny: You know, Bull, we used to be a team.
Bull: What are you talking about Benny?
Benny: It used to be that you'd ask me before you took a case. Used to be that you'd ask me before you blew through all of our jury strikes. Used to be that you cared what I thought.

Everyday I see you checking your watch to see if it's late enough to have your first drink, and if it's not that, it's how long until lunch? You sleep in your office. Your clothes don't fit. I think you are an amazing person, Jason, but I am tired worrying about you, pitying you. I want to admire you again.
