Tony DiNozzo Senior returns to NCIS. "Bears and Cubs" is the 16th episode of the show's 16th season.

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NCIS Season 16 Episode 16: "Bears and Cubs"
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NCIS Season 16 Episode 16 Quotes

Ed: This was a bear.
Palmer: What?
Ed: Say it was a bear, please. I promise you, Jimmy, it's a matter of life and death. Call it a bear, please.

Bishop: I swear, McGee, your case summaries read more like a good book.
McGee: Thank you. I try to do more than just the backspin.
Bishop: This one is a real page-turner -- it's got mood, intrigue, emotion.
Torres: And a typo. Either that or you misspelled a word. Either way, I caught it.
McGee: Which word is that?
Torres: Weather. As in, "Our agents did the best to weather the storm."
Bishop: I see it! You spelled it "w h" as in "whether or not."
Torres: When, in fact, it should be "w e" as in, "how's the weather?"
McGee: Or as in, "I doubt whether anyone would care either way."
Torres: I care. Am I just anyone?
Bishop: And there is a third way, "w e th" as in bellwether, as in castrated ram.
McGee: Why would anyone say "we'll castrated ram this storm?"
Bishop: I'm just pointing out the nuances of the English language.