Chandler tries to get rid of his new roommate, Eddie, but fails when the creep won't leave.

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Friends Season 2 Episode 19: "The One Where Eddie Won't Go"
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Friends Season 2 Episode 19 Quotes

Joey: Anybody want a cruller?
Phoebe: Okay, this is a typical lightning-bearer thing. Right there. It's like, "Hello. Who wants one of my phallic-shaped man-cakes?"
Joey: Who've you been dating?

Chandler: Get out. Get out, get out, get out, get out, get out!
Eddie: What?
Chandler: You. Move out! Take your fruit. Your stupid small fruit and get out!
Eddie: You want me to move out?
Chandler: Uh huh.
Eddie: I gotta tell you man, that's kind of out of the blue. Don't you think?
Chandler: This is not out of the blue. This is smack-dab in the middle of the blue!