That is Dutch's worried face. She definitely just heard (or saw) something aboard that "abandoned" ship.

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Killjoys Season 1 Episode 5: "A Glitch in the System"
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Killjoys Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

D'avin: It was a recon. Simple sweep and sensor, me and my squad. There was nothing...
Hogan: Go on.
D'avin: I can't.
Hogan: You just started.
D'avin: I can't, I mean I can't remember. I don't know what it was about, or how it started.
Hogan: Then, what do you remember. What do you remember?
D'avin: I killed them, my squad.

Dutch: So, you go find the transponder sugar pants. D'avin can plant the explosives while I go look for some booty.
John: You want to say something?
D'avin: Um nope. [smiles]