Ducky gets stabbed in the NCIS episode titled "Broken Bird." Viewers learn a lot about the character as a result.

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NCIS Season 6 Episode 13: "Broken Bird"
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NCIS Season 6 Episode 13 Quotes

Abby: Ducky.
Ducky: Abby? Ooh, how kind of you to visit.
Abby: Oh, they gave you morphine.
Ducky: Just a drop.
Ducky: Oh, and you need to send for a substitute M.E.- aah, Jordan...?
Jimmy Palmer: Dr. Hampton?
Ducky: Yeah, on my desk you'll find her number while I myself lay here getting much number. (Ducky laughs) Nurse, more anesthetic. And don't spare the horses.

Palmer: The reason there is no J street--- because it looked to much like an I at those times. So they omitted it because they didn't want to create confusion.
Ducky: Thank you, Palmer.