Crocket helps Dr. Blake with a patient on Chicago Med. "A Square Peg In A Round Hole" is the seventh episode of the show's seventh season.

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Chicago Med
Chicago Med Season 7 Episode 7: "A Square Peg In A Round Hole"
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Chicago Med Season 7 Episode 7 Quotes

Trish: Did anyone ever say you two could be sisters?
Maggie: That's nice of you to say.
*Maggie and Vanessa walk off*
Maggie: I'm sure that was meant more as a compliment than it seems.
Vanessa: It makes me think that she knows about us.
Maggie: She doesn't.
Vanessa: You make it sound like someone does.
Maggie: Well, Sharon does.
Vanessa: Ms. Goodwin knows? Is that why she hired me?
Maggie: No! Actually she was reticent when she found out.
Vanessa: So she didn't really want me here? I feel like no one thinks I belong.
Maggie: That is not true. No one else knows... well, except Dr. Charles. But I told him in confidence.
Vanessa: So he knows! Everyone's going to think this is nepotism.
Maggie: Listen to me. You don't have anything to prove to anyone.

Maggie: Why is everyone standing around?
Choi: Hey Mags. Long time, no see.