This is a still of Fellow Travelers Season 1 Episode 8, airing December 15, 2023, on Showtime.

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Fellow Travelers
Fellow Travelers Season 1 Episode 8: "Make It Easy"
Hawkins "Hawk" Fuller
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Fellow Travelers Photos, Fellow Travelers Season 1 Episode 8 Photos, Hawkins "Hawk" Fuller Photos
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Fellow Travelers Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

Kimberley: Dad? You found him? It's beautiful. From what you've told me, it really suits your friend.
Hawk: Yeah. It does. Sweetheart. He wasn't my friend. He was the man I loved.

Marcus: Tim.
Hawk: What are you doing here?
Marcus: I'll take your badge.
Tim: Marcus is going inside with me. He needs your badge to get in.
Hawk: I don't understand.
Tim: I knew Lonigan would refuse to see us. And we'd never get close to the Governor. And then... I invited you to the gala. I mean, it was very convenient. Hawk: I think I've been used.
Tim: A little.
Hawk: All right. Hey. Give us a minute? Look, whatever you're up to, and I don't want to know all the details, I'll wait for you.
Tim: No. You need to go home. Where you belong. No. It's not...
Hawk: I want to stay.
Tim: I have to fight this fight. That means letting go of everything else. And if you're around, I will not be able to let go.
Hawk: But I wanna show up for you.
Tim: Go home, Hawk. Please. Make it easy for me.
Hawk: Hey, Skippy. Promise you won't write.
Tim: I won't.