A lot of fans wanted Alex Danvers and Sara Lance to get some scenes in the crossover last year, which we didn't get. It appears that those people will get their wish this year!

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The CW
Supergirl Season 3 Episode 8: "Crisis On Earth-X, Part 1"
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Supergirl Season 3 Episode 8 Quotes

J'onn: Supergirl, identify the threat so we can help you fight it.
Winn: Whatever it is, it came out of deep orbit and it is maaad.
J'onn: So it's alien?
Winn: Well, it's definitely not NASA.
Kara: Dominator. These guys are so last year.

Alex: You're right. This is not a time for us to go out, or have any fun. This is our time to wallow, to drown our sorrows, and put on break up weight.
Kara: No.
Alex: I was just kidding. I know that you are incapable of putting on weight, which I totally resent.