Ella tells Kapoor that she may not want to keep the baby, and he's disappointed to hear about that.

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New Amsterdam
New Amsterdam Season 2 Episode 4: "The Denominator"
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New Amsterdam Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

What do you think about Kenny's Cuts having its own in-house physician?


Helen: Molly, are you depressed?
Molly: No, I'm a lot of things, but depressed is not one of them.
Helen: Do you still find meaning in your life?
Molly: No.
Helen: And how do you find the quality of your life?
Molly: Lacking quality. Why are you asking me this?
Helen: These are extremely powerful painkillers, they're good at what they do. But if you take too many of them, you're breathing will slow, and you will die. I'm going to leave the room, and if they're gone when I get back, there will be no questions asked. This is your choice, no one else's. You're in control.