Brady has to face against Jack for an awkward dinner situation when he and Jack have dinner at Brie's.

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Virgin River
Benjamin Hollingsworth
Virgin River Season 5 Episode 2: "Songbird"
Dan Brady
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Virgin River Season 5 Episode 2 Quotes

Charmaine: I lied to give the twins a future. Someone to provide for us. Isn't there a small part of you that can sympathize with that?
Jack: You have my sympathy, not my forgiveness.

Charmaine: Are you going to say anything, or?
Jack: How can you be so selfish?
Charmaine: All I can do, Jack, is apologize over and over.
Jack: That's not good enough.
Charmaine: I know! So go ahead, yell at me tell me what a terrible person I am.
Jack: That's not why I'm here. I'm just trying to understand. After everything I did for you and Mel too.