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The Flash
The Flash Season 7 Episode 16: "P.O.W."
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The Flash Season 7 Episode 16 Quotes

Dad! Something's wrong. Our family, the future...It's all changed. Flash has to do something before it's too late.


Barry: Now all I want to do is run to 2049 and make sure Nora is okay. See with my own eyes that my daughter is safe. But I can't do that.
Diggle: Why not?
Barry: Dig, you know, better than anyone, what could happen if I did. Besides, with this civil war destroying the city, staying here to fight is the right thing to do.
Diggle: No it's not. Barry, I've lived a long life here on this Earth. I've been a spy, a vigilante, a soldier. Hell, I've even been the Green Arrow. Most important job I've ever had is as a dad. And there's not a bullet I wouldn't take, not a timeline that I wouldn't risk changing if it meant protecting my family. I know that now. Lyla, my kids, they're my heart, man. My soul. My entire world. How far would I go for them? As far as it takes. Everything else be damned. Don't be afraid to do the same.