This is a photo from the pilot of USA's new series, DIG.

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USA Network
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DIG Quotes

Peter: Stop honking! It's just noise. You're just making noise. That's all it is.
Golan: It calms my nerves. Give it a try.
Peter: Nobody in this country has any goddamned patience.
Golan: Patience. That must be what they taught you in the seminary. What? You think you Americans are the only ones spying on your allies? They're not that different, I mean the priesthood and the FBI. Both have rules, uniforms, oaths of allegiance. The thing I don't get though is three years in the seminary, just days before you get your collar and boom [whistles], you drop out. Probably an interesting story in there somewhere.
Peter: Just drive.

Pastor Billingham: It is of great importance that we know now what is in your heart, Debbie, so I'm asking you. Are you still with us?
Debbie: [mumbles] Yes. [louder] Yes, I'm still with you.